Candidates eligible for scribe as per Para 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 will be given compensatory time of 5 minutes.The speed will be adjudged on the accuracy of typing on the Computer of a given text passage in 10 minutes.correspond to about 10500 key depressions per hour and about 9000 key depressions per hour respectively. Candidates opting for English medium should have typing speed of 35 words per minute (w.p.m.) and those opting for Hindi medium should have typing speed of 30 words per minute (w.p.m.).The choice of Typing Test given by the candidate in the online Application Form shall be treated as final and no change in the medium of Typing Test will be entertained later.either Hindi or English) in the online Application Form. The candidates will have to opt for the medium of Typing Test (i.e. The medium of Typing Test will be Hindi or English.Therefore, duration of Skill Test for such candidates will be 20 minutes. The passage to be entered in the Computer may also be displayed on the computer screen. The duration of the Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English containing about 2000-2200 key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer.

Part B – Skill Test for the post of DEO/ DEO Grade ‘A’ except in Department/ Ministry mentioned at Para 8.1: ‘Data Entry Speed of 8,000 (Eight Thousand) Key Depressions per hour on Computer’ will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage.The passage to be entered in the computer may also be displayed on the computer screen. The duration of the Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English containing about 3700-4000 key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer. Part A – Skill Test for the post of DEO/ DEO Grade ‘A’ in Department/ Ministry mentioned at Para 8.1: The ‘speed of 15000 (Fifteen Thousand) Key Depressions per hour on Computer’ will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage.No candidate is exempted from appearing in the Skill Test. Skill Test is mandatory for Data Entry Operators.